Earth Hour
March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm. Millions of people in hundreds of cities around the world came together once again to make a bold statement about our concern about climate change by doing something quite simple,turning off our lights for one hour. Earth Hour symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in the fight against climate change. It is because we only have one earth!
yg paling beznye...mlm earth hour ak dpt bergambar dgn artis even sekoq kwn2 ak tanak tlg..ak berjaye jgk amek!!hahhaha
kalo setakat gambar syok sendiri buat ape..hahaha! buat malu jew. da la artis x femes plak 2.emm... tp kesian la budak 2.. x ada orang nak temu ramah die..hahahaha
malam ni jangan lupa na..
hangpa jangan menyorok plak.
ak dah sediakan ayak nyiok..hehehe
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